Sunday, January 25, 2009

School has been back in action, yet i feel like i've hardly been. My schedule this semester is absolutely amazing. I only go to class on Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays. 
So, every Tuesday & Thursday is a free day off of everything, & once i get a steady job, I plan to keep it that way. 
Living in Arkansas, we see a crazy change in weather, often in less than 24 hours. Last Thursday, the sun was shining & it was a perfect 60 degrees! So, as soon as i stepped outside & felt the sun on my skin, i decided to call Nick & we made a trip out to Cadron-which is a trail/overlook that borders the Arkansas river. It's always a really beautiful sight.

I took out some 35mm that i had lying around & took advantage of this rare day in January.

Now, it is near freezing/bordering on snow & ice, & i will probably not be in school tomorrow. Yay! Nick & I are spending the night staying warm by the fire-me working on my 3D Design sculpture, & he on his music. 


Natalie Freeman said...

Have fun tonight!

It is snowing so much right now. It has been miserably cold :/

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

Love the photos! Beautiful day!


Katy said...

so, not getting out of school was a huge disappointment, eh? the weather is so confusing, but i enjoy it nonetheless. i wouldn't be able to stand cold like this for an entire season.

i love cadron, though! i've stayed in a cabin there. the pictures are gorgeous.

we still have to hang, dear. if you're free tomorrow night, james will hopefully be in town! we could figure out something fun to do. :]

Lael Meidal said...

West Texas weather doesn't sound too different from Arkansas. Temperatures suddenly dropped on Monday night and classes were canceled on Tuesday because of ice, but then Wednesday morning it went from 13 to 50 degrees by noon. Crazy! I'm not used to these weather changes, being from Washington, and it always throws me for a loop.

Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed your sunny day. I love the pic of the rock with the glittering water beyond.